Blog IM Training


On 14 November 2024, we launched BOAT TRANSFER training. It is part of the SEA SURVIVAL course to GWO standards, and now modernised and expanded it will also benefit other offshore personnel. With sea pilots, surveyors, shipyard service technicians and others in mind, we have prepared a set of exercises designed to develop the practice of ‘courage’ and the ability to determine the right moment to make the decision to leave the CTV deck or ladder, pilot leader. Under the supervision of experienced instructors, the exercises can be repeated several times until the subject is completely mastered.

We have equipped the simulator used for this with a programme that allows the course to be conducted in changing sea state conditions , which is the most important element of the training.

The course syllabus developed at Inter Marine Training covers most of the possible situations associated with crew transfer, although we can adapt it to suit your needs.

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